Kostyantyn Dumchev
01.06.2014 - 30.11.2018
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The aim of the study is detection of possibility of implementation of further randomized clinic research, which will evaluate if the level of HIV transmission to uninfected partners might be reduced as a result of using integrated approach. Such approach includes psychological consultations and referring to ART and drug abuse treatment for HIV-infected people who inject drugs comparing with standard services, which were developed according to national standards of treatment and preventive measures for HIV-infected people who inject drugs.


Вільям С. Міллер. Проект HPTN 074. Інтегровані підходи до лікування та профілактики серед ЛВІН: перші результати у рамках мережевого рандомізованого клінічного дослідження із профілактики ВІЛ, у яких подано порівняльний аналіз інтегрованих програм, у тому числі контрольованої антиретровірусної терапії, та програм стандартного надання медичної допомоги. 2018 (UA)

HPTN 074 Ukraine Site Progress (EN)


Kathryn E Lancaster, Irving F Hoffman, Brett Hanscom, Tran Viet Ha, Kostyantyn Dumchev, et al. Regional differences between people who inject drugs in an HIV prevention trial integrating treatment and prevention (HPTN074): a baseline analysisJournal of the International AIDS Society. Oct 22, 2018 (EN)

William C Miller; Irving F Hoffman; Brett S Hanscom; Tran V Ha; Kostyantyn Dumchev; Zubairi Djoerban; Scott M Rose; Carl A Latkin; David S Metzger; Kathryn E Lancaster; Vivian F Go; Sergii Dvoriak; et al. A scalable, integrated intervention to engage people who inject drugs in HIV care and medication-assisted treatment (HPTN 074): a randomised, controlled phase 3 feasibility and efficacy studyThe Lancet. September 01, 2018 (EN)

Вільям С. Міллер, Ірвінг Ф. Гоффман, Бретт С. Ганском, Тран В. Га, Костянтин Думчев та ін. Розширювана інтегрована інтервенція із залучення осіб, які вживають ін’єкційні наркотики, до програм лікування ВІЛ та медикаментозного підтримуючого лікування наркозалежності (HPTN 074): рандомізоване контрольоване дослідження третьої фази щодо здійсненності та дієвості (Переклад з англ.) The Lancet. September 01, 2018 (UA)

Sugarman J, Barnes M, Rose S, Dumchev K, Sarasvita R, Viet HT, et al. Development and implementation of participant safety plans for international research with stigmatised populations. The lancet HIV. 2018;5(8) (EN)

Fogel JM, Zhang Y, Palumbo PJ, Guo X, Clarke W, Breaud A, et al. Use of Antiretroviral Drug Testing to Assess the Accuracy of Self-reported Data from HIV-Infected People Who Inject Drugs. AIDS and behavior. 2019 (EN)

Kiriazova T., Go V.F., Hershow R.B. et alPerspectives of clients and providers on factors influencing opioid agonist treatment uptake among HIV-positive people who use drugs in Indonesia, Ukraine, and Vietnam: HPTN 074 studyHarm Reduct J, 2020 Oct 01 (EN)

Sergii Dvoriak
15.09.2016 - 30.06.2024

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

The aim of this project is to study the effectiveness of the integrated model of health care services in primary care clinics and the interventions for quality improvement of health care services by means of training of physicians and their financial motivation

1. Introduction opiate agonist maintenance treatment in primary healthcare facilities;
2. Setting up a system of tele-education for physicians of primary care clinics - "Improving the effectiveness of community-based health services" (Intervention with Proven Efficiency - Extension for Community Healthcare Outcome);
3. Working out of the model of increase of payment for quality (P4P);
4. Assess of cost-effectiveness of treatment based on comparing the cost of treatment and its efficacy in specialized institutions and in primary care clinics using a modern methodology of cost-effectiveness calculation.
Oleksandr Neduzhko
30.09.2013 - 29.03.2018

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

This study assesses the effectiveness of the MARTAS - Modified effective “Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services” (ARTAS) intervention. This is a case management - based individual-level, multi-session intervention for people who are recently diagnosed with HIV in narcology, TB, and STIs clinics in order to help them link to and be retained in HIV care.

1. (Modifying ARTAS) - modify the ARTAS intervention protocol for using it with patients recently diagnosed with HIV in Ukraine based on the results of a formative study conducted in specialized healthcare facilities of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast.
2. (Piloting MARTAS) – explore feasibility, acceptability and quality of intervention through a pilot study conducted in three specialized healthcare facilities in the city of Mykolaiv for a group of up to 30 patients recently diagnosed with HIV.
3. (Evaluating MARTAS) – using the design of a randomized controlled study, evaluate the effectiveness of intervention at nine sites (specialized healthcare facilities) in three oblasts of Ukraine (Odesa, Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk) by comparing the observed rates of engagement and retention in care of HIV positive participants from the intervention and control groups.
4. (Studying the perception of MARTAS) – study the perception of MARTAS by the recipients to determine the feasibility of its implementation and its future dissemination in the healthcare facilities of Ukraine.

Neduzhko O, Postnov O, Sereda Y, Kulchynska R, Bingham T, Myers JJ, Flanigan T, Kiriazova T. Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS): A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Efficacy of a Linkage-to-Care Intervention Among HIV-Positive Patients in UkraineAIDS Behav. 2020 Apr 24 (EN)

Neduzhko O, Postnov O, Bingham T, Myers J, Flanigan T, Kiriazova T. Feasibility and Acceptability of the Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS) Intervention Based on a Pilot Study in Ukraine. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. 2019 Jan-Dec (EN)

Kiriazova T, Postnov OBingham TMyers JFlanigan TVitek C, Neduzhko O. Patient and provider perspectives inform an intervention to improve linkage to care for HIV patients in Ukraine. BMC Health Serv Res. Jan 30, 2018 (EN)
Copies of the MARTAS study dataset may be obtained by submitted a data request to Dr. Oleksandr Neduzhko. His current e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All requests for data must be submitted with a plan describing the purpose of the data request and plans securing the data, and the plans release of the results. A data release committee will review the request. If that committee cannot be reconstituted at the time of the request, then Dr. Oleksandr Neduzhko will make the appropriate determination on his own.
Olena Makarenko
15.10.2020 - 14.10.2021

Providence/Boston CFAR

Our study aims to examine alcohol consumption and the prevalence of alcohol use disorders, as well as comorbidities including smoking, substance use, and mental health of people living with HIV and TB co-infection in Ukraine. This study will also provide data on participants’ willingness to engage in treatment for these comorbidities and explore participants’ readiness for reduction of alcohol intake, addiction treatment and depression treatment.

Tetiana Kiriazova
10.09.2020 - 30.12.2020

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Identifying the main mechanisms and ways to involve injecting drug users and men who have sex with men to receive primary care services.

- To find out the general perception of PWID and MSM to family doctors and the readiness to receive medical services, including those related to HIV, at the primary care;

- Identify existing and in-demand primary care services for PWID and MSM;

- Identify the main barriers and factors that contribute to the treatment of PWID and MSM for the primary care services;

- Identify existing and in-demand sources and channels of information about the primary care services for PWID and MSM (including potential messages, topics, etc.);

- Determine the perception and willingness of NGO representatives to work with family physicians to provide services to PWID and MSM in the prevention and treatment of HIV, hepatitis C, tuberculosis and other socially dangerous diseases;

- To find out the existing and demanded role of family doctors in providing services to PWID and MSM in the prevention and treatment of HIV, hepatitis C, tuberculosis and other socially dangerous diseases;

- To identify the existing mechanism of interaction between PWID/MSM, NGOs and family doctors in the context of receiving medical services, including those related to HIV prevention;

- To identify the optimal model of interaction between PWID/MSM, NGOs and family doctors in the context of receiving medical services, including those related to HIV prevention;

- Provide recommendations for increasing the demand for PWID and MSM to receive primary care services, communication strategy for it and establishing a process of interaction between PWID / MSM, NGOs and family physicians.

Tetiana Kiriazova
13.04.2018 - 31.01.2019

World Health Organization

The study will look at the feasibility and impact of expanding the availability and accessibility of community management of opioid overdose (including training and take-home naloxone) in participating countries/sites.

The study will produce evidence on the implementation barriers and facilitators for community management of opioid overdose, including trainings, outreach activities and settings that are better placed to reach many people at risk to prevent opioid overdose. The initiative's targets include saving lives by making naloxone and training on overdose management available to all people likely to witness an overdose, including peers and family members. The initiative sets a global implementation target of 90-90-90 as a joint point of reference:

1) 90 per cent of the relevant target population should be trained in overdose risk and emergency management;

2) 90 per cent of those trained should carry take-home naloxone;

3) 90 per cent of those who have been given a naloxone supply should use naloxone at overdoses they witness.

Tetiana Kiriazova
25.06.2018 - 24.06.2020

The Providence/Boston (Center for AIDS Research) CFAR

Retrospective assessment of pediatric TB in Ukraine. Prospective assessment of active TB among children in Ukraine.

1. To define real mortality from TB among children (HIV-positive and HIV-negative) in 2 regions of Ukraine.

2. To document the number of bacteriologically confirmed and clinically diagnosed cases of TB among children in 2 regions of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Zeziulin
15.10.2018 - 15.04.2019

World Health Organization

Evaluation of changes of clinical practice of those primary health care workers who completed Essential Training on the Integrated Management of Hypertension and Diabetes in 7 pilot regions.

- To understand how the training was able to influence changes in PHC clinical practice in pilots in order to plan further improvements/adjustments of training’s content and teaching approaches, but also to identify other factors that need to be strengthened at PHC level for better NCDs prevention, early detection, care and support.;

- The evaluation of the project is planned to be carried out using three data collection approaches. Changes in risk assessment and treatment practices and outcomes will be evaluated by collecting information from patient records. Organizational changes in clinics and changes in division of tasks will be assessed performing observations of patient pathways. Focus group interview will be carried out to assess professionals’ opinions on effects of training in changing the practice and related possibilities and challenges.

Oleksandr Zeziulin
13.04.2018 - 30.06.2020

Yale University

Using qualitative interviews with HIV care providers and with 50yo+ patients diagnosed with HIV in the last 6 months, to explore diverse factors that shape HIV risk and HIV care engagement for HIV+ 50yo+, and challenges experienced by HIV care providers in reaching and servicing this population.

1) Explore HIV care providers’ views on what factors shape (dis-)engagement with HIV care for their 50yo+ clients newly diagnosed with HIV, what challenges they experience when working with this population group, and how they respond to these challenges.

2) Describe the patient-level factors that shape HIV risk practices and health expectations for 50 yo+ newly diagnosed with HIV.

3) An additional strength of this study is to further quantitative study of 100 patients views on how the pandemic coronavirus and quarantine affected the life and behavior of 50+ patients with HIV-positive diagnosis, including their understanding of the risks СOVID-19, HIV and other diseases during the quarantine and how patients cope with these difficulties.
