TB epidemic is still a global problem: the World Health Organization (WHO) has released the Global tuberculosis report 2024 based on 2023 data.
Global tuberculosis report 2024. WHO, 2024 (EN)
193 countries and regions with more than 99% of the world's population submitted data for the report.
The TB incidence continues to increase. In 2023, 10.8 million new cases were recorded, compared to 10.7 million in 2022, and 10.4 million in 2021. Most of the global increase in incident cases reflects population growth. According to the incidence rate, the growth in 2023 by 2022 was 0.2% (134 new cases per 100,000 people).
More than half of the cases (56%) reported in India, Indonesia, China, the Philippines and Pakistan. 87% of cases registered in 30 high TB burden countries. 55% of people who developed TB were men, 33% were women and 12% were children and young adolescents.
TB deaths relative to the COVID-19 pandemic period dropped to 1.25 million (1.34 million in 2019). Despite this progress, TB has probably returned to being the world’s leading cause of death from a single infectious agent (replacing COVID-19).
The African and European regions have the most progress of reductions by 24% and 27% respectively. At the same time, the overall reduction since 2015, which is 8.3%, is significantly lower than the WHO goal of 50% by 2025.
The report outlines progress towards the 2027 global targets set at the UN high-level meeting on TB in 2023:
Coverage with rapid TB testing
Targets – 100%
2023 -48%
TB treatment coverage
Targets – 90%
2023 - 75%
Coverage of preventive treatment of tuberculosis
Targets – 90% among high-risk groups
2023 - 21% among home contacts of patients with tuberculosis and 56% among persons with HIV
Availability of a new safe and effective vaccine against tuberculosis
Targets – in the next five years
2023 - six vaccines in phase III trials
Funding for TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment
Targets – 22 billion US dollars
2023 - 5,7 billion US dollars
Funding for tuberculosis research
Targets – 5 billion US dollars
2023 - 1 billion US dollars
The Treatment Action Group (TAG) expressed concern about the reduction in domestic TB funding, whereas achievements are falling short of the global TB targets set, creating health budget deficits, this is especially true in low- and middle-income countries.