05 / 08 / 2024
20 Years of Substitution Therapy in Ukraine: a new DUNews film

The DrugUsersNews channel has published a new documentary film with the participation of UIPHP experts and many of our partners and colleagues on the implementation and expansion of the OAT program in Ukraine.

In 2004-2005, the Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy, led by its Senior Researcher Sergii Dvoriak, in cooperation with partners - national and international research and public organizations - began implementing opioid agonist therapies (OAT) programs in Ukraine. 

This year, the OAT program in Ukraine turned 20 years old, and the documentary film studio DrugUsersNews dedicated its new film to this event: 20 Years of Substitution Therapy in Ukraine. The film is dedicated to the community of people who use drugs and all those who make their lives better. 

Over these years, a lot of experience and evidence has been accumulated to support the effectiveness of this program, and mechanisms have been developed to address challenges and barriers that may be useful for similar programs in other countries. 

Today Ukraine is in a state of war that Russia has unleashed on its territory. One of the reasons for this war is Russia's desire to impose its values on neighboring independent countries, including with regard to OAT. Russia categorically denies the practical use of OAT drugs and persecutes supporters of this program. Thus, today Ukraine is not only protecting its territorial integrity, but also OAT programs and their participants' right to receive this treatment. 

The film tells the story of the great strides made by the OAT program in Ukraine over the years. It is a demonstration and validation of OAT programs as an effective harm reduction tool for the community of people who use drugs. 

The heroes of this movie are researchers, doctors, politicians, activists of the community of people who use drugs, and many other people. 

The movie was created with financial support of ICF "Alliance for Public Health" within the framework of the “SoS 2.0” project.